« MISTBORN: The Final Empire » by Brandon Sanderson

» Title: Mistborn, T1: The Final Empire(2006)
» Author: Brandon Sanderson
» Edition: Gollancz, 2009 (643 pages)
» Genre: Fantasy
» Synopsis: 
Where ash falls from the sky, and mist dominates the night, evil cloaks the land and stifles all life. Criminal mastermind Kelsier teaches Allomancy, the magic of metals, to another Mistborn, urchin Vin 16. The unlikely heroine is distracted by rich Venture heir Elend. Can Kelsier's thieving crew take on the tyrant Lord Ruler and bring back colour to their world?

» Review: An action-packed adventure led by imperfect characters that, sometimes, irritate you, make you want to shake them from their insanity, and other times, made you wonder how such a heterogenic team came together so perfectly. The diversity in characters, and in the multiple sides of each's personality, is very refreshing.

The best assets of this book is that it wasn't just an epic or a high fantasy, no. It touched at EVERY THING. Religion. Faith. Politics. Love. Betrayal. Racism. Philosophy. And physics!!! In a way, the magic system made so much sense. This is a world where I'd rather live in. As a person who is often fascinated with physics, I loved the aspects of Allomancy. And how it was perfectly explained, although it was complex and cunning, it was explained one step at a time just as the Mistborn is learning it. And I love me fantasies where superpowers aren't just thrown at me.

I must say that the plot couldn't get any better. All the twists and turns in an insane plan put to motion. All the unpredictable and compusive decisions the crew members take, comprimising the plan, it made sense and held together. Sure it didn't answer every question, but this is just book 1. :)

A book that taught me about passion and plotting, but also about sacrifice, forgiveness and patience. To think that an epic fantasy held so much wisdom that I could use in my real daily life. ♥

» Rating: 17/20

« Belief isn't simply a thing for fair times and bright days...
What is belief - what is faith - if you don't continue in it after failure? »

« Our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest.
That is the nature of hope. »

« Do you stop loving someone just because they betray you?
I don't think so. That's what makes the betrayal hurt so much- pain, frustration, anger... 
and I still loved her. »

« The best liars are those who tell the truth most of the time. »

« Every action we take has consequences, Vin.
I've found that in both Allomancy and life, the person who can best judge
the consequences of their actions will be the most successful. »

Brandon Sanderson Readathon
Hosted by Sonya.Serialreader

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